Category: Other Writings

“Possible Vampire Fictionkin” (5/1/2012)

“Possible Vampire Fictionkin” (5/1/2012) I only started to think about this sometime after I began to consider if I might have a vampire ‘kintype and my external searching about that (both in trying to find other vampire’kin and in comparing/contrasting my vampire-aspect to different versions of vampires in myth, folkore,

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“Contemplations on Vampire Otherkin” (1/20/2012)

“Contemplations on Vampire Otherkin” (1/20/2012) Note: Within this writing, I’m not referring to vampires like the energy-deficient, prana-feeding ones of the vampire community. I’m meaning vampires in an otherkin sense, or as someone experiencing part of oneself as identifying strongly *with* vampires in a way that is more similar to

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Journal Entry: 9/2/2006 –God of Ungulates

Journal Entry: 9/2/2006 –God of Ungulates As I’ve mentioned and explained times before, I have a profound connection with cervids and antelope, although the conscious connection wavers in noticeable strength from time to time, but nevertheless it has been stronger this year than I recall it ever being, and it

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Journal Entry: 7/19/2005 –An occurrence I considered a possible past-life memory at the time

Journal Entry: 7/19/2005 –An occurrence I considered a possible past-life memory at the time **Note (July 31, 2006): It took me awhile to realize it, but I did eventually decide that this experience was not a past-life memory, or at the least, it didn’t have anything to do with my

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