Tag: mongoose

“Mongoose: Sentry & Subtlety” (5/1/2021)

“Mongoose: Sentry and Subtlety” (5/1/2021) Outside of my writings regarding figuring out my mongoose theriotype as such, I haven’t really written much about it; for whatever reason, the words just never really came to me to make another writing about being mongoose.  As with my other therio-/’kintypes, I haven’t felt

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Musings on an Unknown Theriotype: Part 3; 12/8/2007

Musings on an Unknown Theriotype: Part 3; 12/8/2007 (Parts 1 & 2) Still no conclusion on my third theriotype, but I can say that I’m making progress and getting closer to a more solid answer (unless something leads me astray from the animals I’m currently considering it to be, but so far I

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Musings on an Unknown Theriotype: Part 2; 8/8/2007

Musings on an Unknown Theriotype: Part 2; 8/8/2007 (Parts 1 & 3) I’ve been throwing around concepts in my head of my unknown theriotype, which technically speaking I don’t like thinking about it extensively because I tend to just confuse myself more, thus I’ve been prone to thinking about it little by little

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Musings on an Unknown Theriotype, Part 1: 3/30/2007

Musings on an Unknown Theriotype, Part 1: 3/30/2007 (Parts 2 & 3) I’ve been meaning for quite awhile now to make an entry in which to talk about my ponderings over one of my theriosides–the supposedly canine one.  Every time I think I have enough thoughts together coherently to talk about it, my

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Reflections: Personal Guidance from Mongoose (12/18/2008)

Reflections: Personal Guidance from Mongoose (12/18/2008) Discovering and Embracing My Personal Niche: Although it may seem somewhat odd that specifically Mongoose would be the main one so far to aid in teaching this lesson of ‘finding my niche’ in life, there has nevertheless been something about him that has allowed

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“The Watch-Guardian: Mongoose Energy and Symbolism, Part II” (11/8/2008)

“The Watch-Guardian: Mongoose Energy and Symbolism, Part II” (11/8/2008) Part II: (Link to Part I) Group Strength, Personal Responsibility, and Dedication: Mongoose energy resonates with symbolism of courage, as relates to their feeding and defensive behaviors I previously explained.  Even though mongooses are prey animals as well as predators, numerous

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“The Watch-Guardian: Mongoose Energy and Symbolism, Part I” (11/8/2008)

“The Watch-Guardian: Mongoose Energy and Symbolism, Part I” (11/8/2008) Part I: (Link to Part II) As I’ve mentioned before in another writing or two, I feel that I have spent years now subconsciously putting effort into keeping my therianthropy separate from my totemism, but have this year tried to tear

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