Tag: monstrosity

“On Being Monster-Hearted” (5/28/2018)

“On Being Monster-Hearted” (5/28/2018) I haven’t yet used the term “-kith/-hearted” for myself, maybe because I didn’t know what connection of mine was personally fitting of the term/concept.  There are numerous animals which I hold deep, lasting connections with that aren’t theriotypes: crows, antelopes, red canids (dholes, Ethiopian wolves), among

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“Freiheit: Escaping the Shadow’s Feast” (September 2012)

“Freiheit: Escaping the Shadow’s Feast” **WARNING: self-harm mentions Images, instincts, desires, drives, and sensations; not words. Verbosiveness cannot capture the essence of it; The ferality, animality, and chained creature beneath flesh, blood, and bone. Muscles tensing in periodic waves Clenching and flexing digits tipped in claws, As they seek solid

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“Alternatives: Pathfinding” (April 20, 2015)

“Alternatives: Pathfinding” (April 20, 2015) Animality, or more accurately, human-animality, is such an essential part of who I am: my very life, self, mind, and soul are painted with it and have been that way ever since at least my early childhood. It’s not just therianthropy or being otherkin. It’s

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“Beneath the Surface” (September 2013)

“Beneath the Surface” (September 2013) There’s something within my mind, my soul, my Self, that’s been there for a long time, though I’m unsure how far/early into my childhood its existence reaches.  Back then, it was probably much less developed, maybe just a spark or small flame of vicious wildness

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“Monsters, Vampires, and Personal Animality” (March 2012)

“Monsters, Vampires, and Personal Animality” (March 2012) To set up some initial context of what I mean by “monster” in this writing, I’ll quote the beginning of the Wikipedia article on “Monster” because I feel it sums it up well enough. From Wikipedia “Monster” article:A monster is any fictional creature,

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